Social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship: Making a Difference While Making a Profit

In an age where consumers are increasingly valuing sustainability and social responsibility, social entrepreneurship has emerged as a powerful model that combines the passion for social change with the rigor and innovation of entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurs aim to solve societal
July 21, 2024
digital marketing and exporting

Exporting in 2024: How B2B Companies Can Go Global with Digital Marketing

In today’s interconnected world, the possibilities for businesses to expand beyond their borders are vast. For B2B companies, reaching international markets offers numerous advantages, from accessing new customer segments to diversifying revenue streams. However, successfully entering the global arena requires a strategic approach, and in 2024, that crucial weapon is “digital marketing”.
How to Deal With Discount Requests

How To Deal With The Discount Requests

You may say that one of the best ways keeping the customer from going to a competitor is answering to the discount requests. This is quite understandable. However, do you think it’s
SWOT Analysis

What is SWOT Analysis?

SWOT analysis, acronym of “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats”, is a strategic planning tool that allows you to dig deeper in terms of understanding the current situation of your business and taking future



Mastering Strategic Thinking

Mastering Strategic Thinking: Your Blueprint for Success

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Thinking Let’s dive into a topic that’s a game-changer in both personal and professional realms: strategic thinking. This isn’t just for CEOs or military generals—it’s a skill everyone can develop to make better decisions, solve problems
July 24, 2024
The Power of Networking: Building Relationships that Drive Business Growth

Networking: Building Relationships That Fuel Growth

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the adage “It’s not what you know, but who you know” holds more truth than ever. Networking has become a cornerstone of business success, and building strong, meaningful relationships can be the catalyst for significant
July 12, 2024
The book review of "The Goal"

Unlocking Success with ‘The Goal’

As a seasoned professional navigating the intricate world of business, I have always sought literature that not only educates but also inspires. “The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt stands out as a beacon of wisdom and practical insight, not just for
July 11, 2024
Turkiyes Act

Türkiye’s Challenging Balancing Act in a Multipolar World

In the ever-shifting landscape of international relations, Türkiye finds itself at a crossroads, juggling the delicate art of diplomacy between the East and the West. In a world where multipolarity is the new norm, the nation’s ability to navigate these contrasting
September 28, 2023
Global trade

Global Trade in Flux

In the dynamic world of global trade, the month of July 2023 presented an intriguing landscape of fluctuations and disparities. According to the monthly CPB World Trade Monitor, the global merchandise trade experienced a 0.6% decrease compared to the previous month,
September 28, 2023
Is this the end of globalization

Is This The End Of Globalization?

While the world is going through challenging times, the same old concerns came up again. Is the world going back to the times when rich nations are closing doors to the world? Is protectionism coming back? Have we come to the
January 15, 2023
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Umit Gumusten

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Hi, my name is Ümit. Welcome to my blog! Here, I explore the topics that fascinate me, sharing inspiring stories, insightful articles, and thought-provoking case studies. Join me on a journey of discovery, enrichment, and growth as we dive into the subjects that ignite my passion and curiosity.


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