
How productive are you?

January 7, 2022

Do you consume entrepreneurial stuff just for joy like a kid’s watching cartoons or do you do it to incorporate the tips, ideas etc. into your life practices?

You can’t be successful by watching successful people, listening to all those podcasts or reading entrepreneurial books. They are there to inspire you. Instead of just watching successful entrepreneurs, get up and work for your own success.

I know it’s easy to say and hard to do; you may be waiting for the inspiration, but it won’t come unless you start with even small things. Productivity doesn’t come just like that; it comes only to those who do “something”. I’m not saying write a book in one day! Just start with a few sentences and again I’m sure those sentences are waste but this is how it happens: you start with waste and improve with the productivity of consistently doing shit. Eventually they will turn into valuable and meaningful deeds. In the end, even if you feel you haven’t made it, in retrospect you will see that you did something which is better than sitting and spending hours on youtube or whatever the heck it is, and it’s your own thing. Don’t hesitate, be proud of it and share it!

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”

— Franz Kafka

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