Business Email Examples


In every line of business, email is probably the most commonly used means of communication in the world; especially for those whose native languages are not English, email is a life saver. We all know that making conversations with companies from different countries can be so stressful and we try our best to express ourselves right.

As the subject of the conversation is business it is very important to express yourself well and the fear of being misunderstood is what makes us stressed talking on the phone. As such, email is both a clear means of communication and a recorder of our conversations. In the event that a dispute arises between parties for some reason, then email correspondences step in and settles the conflict.

Below are basic email correspondence examples that you can make use of:

Company Introduction

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’d like to introduce our company …… dealing in the …… business since …… .

We have …… years of experience in the …… trade with … . Along with our strong position in the domestic market, we are expanding internationally.

We’d like to provide our services for …… at competitive prices. Please contact me with your needs and inquiries you may have.

Looking forward to your response and doing business with you.

Best Regards,


Dear Madam/Sir,

We, …(company/brand name)…, are the manufacturer and exporter of …(product)… . Our company is located in …(city)… , (Country) and dealing the business since …(date)… .

Enclosed you’ll find our detailed company introduction informing who we are, what we do, working terms and product catalogue.

I’ve checked your website and seeing that our businesses are relevant, I’d like to make our offer to you.

If you would be interested, I’d be happy to send you any further information you may need.

Thanking for your kind interest and I look forward to your early reply.

Best Regards,

Request for Appointment

Dear Madam/Sir,

We, …(Company/Brand name)…, are the manufacturer and exporter of …(product)… . Our company is located in …(city)… , (Country) and dealing the business since …(date)… .

Enclosed you’ll find a detailed company introduction informing who we are, what we do, working terms and product catalogue.

I’ll be in …(city or country)… between …(arrival)… and …(departure… During this period I’d like to visit you to present our services and negotiate possible business opportunities.

I would appreciate if you give me an appointment.

I look forward to your confirmation and meeting you soon.

Best Regards,


Answering an Enquiry

Dear Mr/Ms…,

Thank you for your inquiry concerning our …(products)… .

Enclosed you’ll find our catalogue. Please check our catalogue and reply me with the specific products you’re interested in. Then I’ll send you our prices asap.

Please let us know if there is any other way in which we can be of help. Thanking you for your kind interest.

Best Regards,


Dear Mr/Ms …,

Thank you for your interest in our company and products.

Enclosed you’ll find our catalogue and price list. Please contact us for further information you need any time.

Looking forward to your reply soon.

Best Regards,


Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order

Dear Mr/Ms …,

We confirm the receipt of your order according to the proforma invoice dated …(pi date)… and numbered …(pi no)… for the shipment of (product).

Shipment will be made in accordance with the conditions agreed and confirmed on the Proforma Invoice …(Proforma No)… .

We will have your order ready for delivery on (date).



Not Accepting the Order

Dear Mr/Ms … ,

We have received your order for shipment dated …….
Unfortunately, we are not in a position to deliver your order since our entire production is sold out for the next (…) months.

We regret not being able to meet your order, but we will be in touch with you as soon as our stocks are available.

Yours sincerely,


Notification of Shipment

Dear Mr/Ms … ,

We wish to inform you that your order no …… was shipped today.
Please find the documents for clearance in the attachment. The original documents have also been shipped to your address. Tracking no: ……
We hope you will find this shipment satisfactory and we look forward to receiving your additional orders.
Best regards,

Delay Payment Reminder

Dear Mr/Ms … ,

Pursuant to your order dated ……, your goods were shipped on …….

According to the terms agreed, payment should have been made in (number of days) days after receipt of the shipment. However, we have not received the payment yet.

We therefore, request that you forward the sum of (amount) as soon as possible. We kindly await confirmation of payment.

Best Regards,


Apology and Replacement of Damaged Goods

Dear Mr/Ms …,

It was distressing to learn that the …(products)… we shipped to your firm arrived as damaged. Per your request, (amount of products) will be shipped together with your next order. Please turn over the damaged goods to the driver at the time of delivery.

I am sorry that this unfortunate incident occurred and sincerely appreciate your continued patronage.

Best Regards,


Request for Extension of Delivery Date

Dear Mr/Ms …,

I regret to say that we are unable to deliver your order no …… on the agreed date of …… for reasons beyond our control. (Here you can explain the reason of delay).

We regret this unintentional mistake on our part.

While we recognize that the time for performing under this agreement will have expired, we are requesting that you extend the time to (date) in order that we may finish your order and despatch properly.

Please accept our apology for this inconvenience. We will be looking forward to your response.

Best Regards,

Denial of Request for Additional Discount

Dear Mr/Ms …,

Our established discount is 2% of the total invoiced amount when payment is received before the goods are shipped on board. This figure is based on cost, overhead and profit. To increase this discount rate for all of our accounts would seriously jeopardize our firm and to increase the rate for an individual account would be unfair.

We consider you a most valued customer and hope that you can appreciate our position in this matter. If we are able to accommodate you in any way that is within our company policy, we will be most happy to do so.

Thanking for your understanding and looking forward to your response.

Best Regards,


Apology for Delayed Payment

Dear Mr/Ms …,

I extend my sincerest apologies along with the attached swift of payment. I must confess that the due date completely slipped my mind.
Needless to say, there is no excuse for this. Please accept my warmest regards and sincerest hope that all is well.

Best Regards,

New Customer Welcome

Dear Mr/Ms …,

On behalf of (Company Name) I would like to welcome you as a new customer to our firm. We know that you will be extremely satisfied with our product range and the service we provide.

I do believe our partnership will last long years. Please be sure that we are all ready to help you with our solution-oriented approach and priciples.

Feel free to contact us for any kind of questions.

Best Regards,


Thanks for the Payment

Dear Ms/Mr …,

I wish to acknowledge our receipt of payment and I would like to thank you for your prompt transfer following the despatch of the goods.

We look forward to many years of mutual prosperity.

Best Regards,


To Exhibit at a Trade Show

Dear Madam/Sir,

As a producer and exporter of (your products), our company (Company name) is interested in participating in the (Trade Show) on (Date).

We kindly ask you provide us information of vacancies and pricing, the required forms and other information you may have for participants.

Thanking you in advance and looking forward to your earliest response.

Best Regards,


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