
Inbound Marketing for Exporters

Inbound Marketing Made Easy For Exporters

What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound marketing is a methodology applied to attract potential customers to your brand using SEO, content marketing, social media etc. through all effective channels that put you in front of your target audience and lay the groundwork for
April 22, 2022
Export Marketing Strategy

How To Craft Your Export Marketing Strategy

You have done your research and identified target markets you can compete in and you are at the export marketing phase. Now you have big opportunities for your business’s growth and it’s time to figure out how to introduce your brand to
March 13, 2022
Marketing vs Advertising

Marketing Isn’t Advertising

Sometimes I hear people saying “I hate marketers. All they do is try to sell their products to me. They are everywhere: in my inbox, social media accounts, tv, newspaper.” To escape from such an intrusion, they use ad blockers, premium version
December 22, 2021
Umit Gumusten

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Hi, my name is Ümit. Welcome to my blog! Here, I explore the topics that fascinate me, sharing inspiring stories, insightful articles, and thought-provoking case studies. Join me on a journey of discovery, enrichment, and growth as we dive into the subjects that ignite my passion and curiosity.


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